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How To Hack Facebook 6 Ways

How To Hack Facebook 6 Ways To Hack Facebook..

These days Everyone is complaining that their Facebook account has been hacked by Facebook hacker and he/she wants to Recover it.
In the hope of recovering their hacked account, They even start contacting random users online who pretend to be professional Facebook hackers and end up paying them money in return for nothing.
It has become quite a big problem these days because of poor knowledge on How Stuff Works Online.
On a daily basis, I get dozens of emails from users asking how to hack their girlfriend’s Facebook account without her knowing.
Keeping this in mind, I have created this exclusive Post for all the Facebook users out there, Who are so curious to know about How to hack Facebook account and how their account can be compromised by hackers and Spammers.

Fairly Facebook is a secure website and it diligently aims to become better. For the most part, it is impossible to break Facebook’s security system. Yes i said for the most part because recently i demonstrated you, how easy it is to Bypass your friends Facebook security Question & how you can compromise Facebook accounts with the help of Mutual Friends.
I always tell people, If you are a victim of Facebook hack it’s more likely because of your own mistakes and not because of something Facebook had any involvement of.
Earlier we had seen how email hacking works and I had covered almost all the methods there. So in this post i will again cover those methods plus some other known ways to hack Facebook account.
Before I begin, let me clear one thing that “Facebook Hacking Software”doesn’t really exist.
There are Numerous fake Facebook Hacking software’s such as 007 facebook hack softwareFacebook ID hacker software, etc.
These softwares are actually malware’s meant to capture your sensitive data such as email, credit card details, phone number, etc. which can be used for marketing purpose.
So how to hack Facebook password without software?
Well, To hack any user account one should at least possess a Criminal Mind. It’s not that easy as you might think. Without going any further deep into Criminal Mind, Let’s start with the 6 common methods used by Facebook hackers to Hack Facebook password:
  1. Keylogging – Facebook Keylogger.
  2. Phishing – Creating fake Facebook Login page (HTML code hack).
  3. Using Victims Mobile to reset password.
  4. Stealing Facebook cookies of victim.
  5. Revealing saved Facebook passwords on web-browsers.
  6. Bypassing Facebook’s Security Question
In the above mentioned 3rd & 6th method, The hacker will be Resetting victims Password, i.e he will never be able to see victims Original Password. Where as in 1st and 2nd method, the hacker can actually manage to get Original password and login to his / her account without letting him/her know that their accounts have been compromised.

Keylogging – Capture Facebook Passwords using keylogger

Keylogging is the simplest and the most effective way of hacking Facebook passwords. You need not be an expert to use it. Anyone with basic knowledge of computer can install and use it with ease. This method yields the best outcome when you have physical access to your victims PC.
Basically, Keylogger is used to capture the keyboard strokes entered by any person, for example, many offices use them to monitor their employees. So the fact that, it can capture keyboard strokes, it can also capture or record usernames and passwords entered by a person.
However, Keyloggers are mostly used as a hacking tool rather than using it as a just monitoring tool.
They are two types, hardware, and software.
1) Software Keylogger – Windows & Mac
Software keylogger is a program that needs to be installed on the computer or laptop.
Once you install this program on the target computer, it will automatically load from the start-up and start capturing every keystroke that the user types on his keyboard including Facebook password.
keylogger software runs in a complete stealth mode and thus remains undetected.
In order to use keylogger software, you don’t need to have any special knowledge of hacking. Anyone with a basic knowledge of computer will be able to install and use this software with ease.
Your task is to install the keylogger on the target computer. Professional Facebook hackers do this by sending out SPAM emails to the target user. The email usually contains a special link to a keylogger software that gets installed on the target user’s computer.
Hot Girl Video Keylogger video.exe
I recommend mSpy Monitoring app for keylogging Facebook passwords as its the best for your monitoring needs. It contains complete monitoring tools for Windows, Mac, iOS & Android.
For monitoring or Spying on Smartphones, Read Cellphone tapping app for Android and iPhone.

2) Hardware Keylogger – Windows & Mac
Just like Software Keyloggers Hardware keyloggers also captures keyboard keystrokes but requires Physical access to victims Computer to install it. A Hardware keylogger is a small hardware just like USB pen-drive with internal memory and Wifi access capability.
All the captured keystrokes containing Facebook usernames and passwords will be stored in the internal memory of the keylogger device that is accessible anytime.
A hardware keylogger is plugged inline between a computer keyboard and a computer. They log all keyboard activity to their internal memory.
Usually these days we have only USB keyboards in use, so I recommend buying USB keylogger device with good internal storage. USB keyloggers also support file transfer over WiFi anonymously to your computer or you can even email them to your account.
In case your target is still using PS2 keyboard, Checkout Best Hardware keyloggers for all the other options.

Phishing – Create Fake Facebook Login page

When it comes to hacking any password protected user profiles on networking websites like Facebook, The most common and the oldest method used by hackers is phishing.
No matter how well you know about phishing, one single mistake can get your account compromised.
How to hack Facebook account using html code?
There are several ways of phishing that can be deployed, to hack any Facebook account.
But The most popular type of phishing that can Hack Facebook password involves creating a fake HTML login page of Facebook and sending this fake page to your victim via email.
The fake login page looks exactly like original one, but instead of sending your information to Facebook’s server, it will be sent to the Hacker who developed the fake page.
In other words, when victim logs-in on this fake HTML page using his Facebook credentials, The hacker gets victims account details in his emailor FTP account.
Have a look at the below snapshot of phishing email intended to hack Facebook account.
Facebook Phishing Girl scam
As you can see above, The hacker just tricked his victim in such a way that the fake login page of Facebook appears to be the legitimate one. The disadvantage of this method is, it’s pretty difficult to trick people with fake login page because everyone is aware of it.
This Method could be the ideal one, when it comes to hacking users who often browse their Facebook feed on their Smartphones as on the Smaller screens hardly anyone would check the URL of the web page, isn’t it?.
To know more and learn about Facebook password hack using html coderead our earlier post: How phishing works? creating fake HTML login page?

Using Victims Mobile to RESET Facebook Password

Facebook mobile password recoveryPlease note that this method involves Password Resetting i.e. you will never get to know the Original Password, instead you will be resetting your victims password.
If you can get access to your victims Mobile then this method is the proficient way to hack your friends Facebook account or the best way to take revenge of your partner.
How to hack FB password using mobile?
First go to “forgot my password page” of Facebook and enter the mobilenumber of your victim.
Once Facebook identifies the account, click ‘This is my account‘ and choose “Send me sms” to recover the password and follow the standard recovery process.
* ] If you are searching for how to hack fb account from mobile, You can do so by using cellphone tracking or spying app like mSpy.

Stealing facebook cookies of your victim

Using this method you will just get control on your victims Facebook account, But not the account credentials.
How to hack FB account without knowing the password?
By stealing your friend’s cookie, you will not need to know or reset his/her password. You will directly be able to log into his/her Facebook account as if it’s yours.
what is cookie?
A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie, or browser cookie, is a file of text sent by a website to a web browser. The Browser Stores it and They are then sent back unchanged by the browser every time it connects to that Website.
Cookie is used for authentication, identification of a user session, user’s preferences, etc. Cookies are not software.
They can’t carry viruses.
However, Cookies can be stolen by Hackers to gain access to a victim’s web account and this concept is known as Cookie stealing.
In short, If you always prefer to stay logged in to your Facebook account on your computer, I can easily steal your Browser cookie and use your login session at my end. However, if you are using Facebook on a secure connection (HTTPS), then it’s not possible for me to hack your account.

Revealing saved Facebook passwords from web browsers.

I think even noob’s must be knowing this method, But i had to include this. Ever wanted to reveal your siblings Facebook password? well its just few steps away. Just follow the steps to reveal saved passwords in your Browser:
Chrome: Goto tools >> Options >> Personal Stuff >> Manage saved Passwords
FireFox: Goto tools >> Options >> Security >> saved Passwords
Stupid IE: Who Cares?

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